The flight itself was not that painless; I had a family behind me. I know that I used to be that family, so I'm trying not to whine about it, but the child in the seat behind me kept kicking the seat, and he half moaned, half chanted for Elmo for 30 minutes. It devolved from "My Elmo" to something that sounded vaguely Spanish (Me llamo) until he wound down like a watchworks, only to rev UP again as the plane descended through the clouds. This child had a sibling of indeterminate sex who cried most of the flight.

I do want to get out tonight after we are done and drive to the ocean, maybe check out the Merrimack River (made famous to us English teachers by Thoreau), and find some fish chowder and a lobster roll (or something equally delicious) at the shore. It could happen. Until then, I am going to program a Shakespearean Insult Generator with two characters that insult each other over and over again. We will see if I can make it work.
Welcome to Merry Old(e?) England. Have a pint on me (but I'll have to pay you for it when you get home. Do you take traveler's checks? Cheques?) Enjoy, and keep posting.
P.S. Molly got a 5 on her AP English, despite (or perhaps because of) an absentee teacher.
I have Shakespeare insult refrigerator magnet words - fun.
@Susan - I am aiming to find the first ATM available to get some British pounds. Other than that, I'm thinking plastic. I'll be home for a day or two before I'm off to England. Hooray for Molly!!
@Jane - I got it to work! Programming is logic, not always patient enough to make stuff work, but I did. I'll add more nouns and adverbs to lists so that it's more varied. But I learned something!!
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