Trains Planes and Automobiles
From home at 9:00 this AM with a fabulous send off from my girls and Sam. Got to O'Hare is record time. No trouble getting to the gate - I checked my bag a curbside spending the $2 to not wait in the long cattle lines inside. Boom, done.
Flight was jammed but uneventful. I am always at the back of the plane - row 27. There was a family of clearly homeschooled kids traveling with mom and dad to Boston. They were being quizzed about how many syllables in the word gum - had to give the right answer in a polite way or not get a piece of gum for take off and landing. The woman next to me was reading a well thumbed copy of the King James Bible. I read a Harlequin.
Easy to get my bag and get to the T shuttle. Transferring to the blue line and then the green line at Govt Center was easy - but the Riverside train is running shuttles from Reservoir (by my old apt at Cleveland Circle)to Riverside - this adds some time and extra level of complication to just jumping on the train and heading into town. The bonus of this little bus cruise was that I got to see the towns I usually trained right by. Blue hydrangeas are very pretty - I'm so used to only seeing pink and green ones that blue ones seem so unusual. I know it's the acidic soil, but they are still pretty. They remind me of Ann Murphy's house in Falmouth.
I had dinner here at the hotel after a good walk provided nothing more than a quick-mart and a place to rent kayaks and canoes. No food.
The big excitement was the fire alarm that went off as I was talking to Sam on the phone. Two fire trucks, a police car, and a command vehicle appeared, but we were only out of the building for 10 - 15 minutes and no one looked too hurried.
It's now 8:00 pm and I have to be ready to leave for the MIT session at 7:15. I was hoping to get Cathy's Dave to drive me to a CVS. Met some folks from Portland. Long day for them, and a short night if they too have to be up early. Even 12:00 here is 9:00 am in Portland.
Soph- We miss you! make sure you update constantly!!! Love You! Nice Blog, bloggie. (Emily comments that this is a lame thing to say.)
Hannah- iChat! Audio Chat! Something! I need to talk to you! Love you! (!!!)
Bobina- Missing you, nice blog! Witty! I made an account just to talk at you!:)Argh, too many dang exclamation points. THE DENTIST DIDN'T GIVE ME TOOTHPASTE! *snarl*
Pops'll be on in a second, he just like, spilled some superglue or something. Ask him about that. Superglue and Chocolate. *giggle*
Bon Nuit.
Dad- was thinking about flowers after we dropped you off. New ones for around the trees. Perhaps hydrangeas.
The pressure is not to be funny, the pressure is in recognizing the humor in the things going on around you.
Look forward to reading this!
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