Our silly, Let's Get Soaked, excursion was to rent a bicycle surrey and pedal our legs off down to the end of the island to the wildlife refuge. We got completely soaked in the mist and rain, although it really felt like we were pedaling through a cloud and not really rain. As you can see, the cover was pro forma as we all were soaked anyway. Leaving the surrey to take photos on the beach resulted in a wet seat and a load or two of laundry.
So much for Accuweather and the "it will be clear by noon" prognostications. We are still in the center of this stationary front or the edge of the hurricane winds. This northeaster is a bit depressing, but we vow to get to the beach in due time.
These photos show what the beach is all about today - lots of wind and salt spray. The camera hit the ground at one point in an "out of saddle" sprint to get around a police car and the vehicle that he had stopped/ stopped for. I stuck the memory card in my back pocket to ensure that it dried out before I stuck it back in the camera.
We are all going to join hands on the porch and sing "Here Comes the Sun." Hope that it works.
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