Thursday, July 19, 2007

The North End... Success!!

So, last night we risked the possibility of rain and took the bus into downtown Boston for the express purpose of revisiting the North End. Well, some things are frozen in time, thank God.

The landscape has changed slightly since the Big Dig. You no longer have to get to the North End through a pedestrian walkway (read - tunnel) under the highway, as they have moved the road. So it's a simple act of crossing the street at the light.

We walked up Hanover street and had dinner at Piccola Venezia (Little Venice) on Hanover. It is as I remember it, just a bit bigger. We ate early as I wanted to not stand around for a table - a possibility even on a Wednesday. I had a "small" (food for five) ceasar salad and a huge plate (food for seven) of fried calamari with a spicy marinara. Yum.

I dragged Cathy all over the North End on the ruse of "just a block" to the next thing. We saw North Church, St. Leonard's Church (the Sacco [I think of Sacco and Vanzetti] memorial stained glass window), Revere Mall, Copps Hill Burying Ground.

We had cappuccino and the gold standard of tiramisu sitting at the table on Hanover Street at Cafe Vittoria (you remember that place, Liz? We went there together a million years ago.)

The keynote speaker is starting, so I should listen. More later!


EmilinaBina said...

Amazing. I salute you.
What about those cheese sticks?

Lizzie said...

I am having one of those "Calgon take me away days" and I am longing to be back at that little restaurant right now. Yum Delish!